life so far

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I feel horrible :"( getting pregnant at 16 .. my mom disowning me. . Now my bf just told me he things were not rite for eachother .. my world is crushed :"( I'm 6 and a half months pregnant and I feel like all my hopes and dreams in life are crushed I have no one but my son and its so hard on me


  • I'm sorry you feel that way. I think getting pregnant is always tough at first adjusting to things, but survival mode always kicks in and you'll figure out what to do. Hopefully your mom will come around when she sees that precious baby.. good luck and take care.
  • girl.. hang in there. i was 19 but similar situation although blessed my parents stuck by me. it will all come together i promise. your life isnt over its the beginning of a brand new life. it may sound corny but a saying thats always gotten me through is "god never gives you anything you cant handle" the way i see it, you can either give up now andmiss out on great things and your sons life bc of some bad stuff or you can pick yourself up,push through the bs and get to live the rest of ur life with greater appreciation bc you are a survivor
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