stop smoking

edited February 2011 in Health
I'm currently and once again trying to quit smoking I'm 25 weeks but having a hard time since I have been smoking 9 years!!! But of course want to do it for my baby girl. Anyone going or been through this? I need tips on fighting the cravings for cigarettes..please help


  • I'm going threw that now I'm 11 1/2 weeks, with my 2nd. The first one I quite in less than a week. Ask your Dr for help quiting.
  • I quit the day I found out I was preggo with my 1st. It was hard but its best for your baby. You just need something to distract you and come up with a different routine. You can do it!! Good luck.
  • Try to break your habits and find a distraction when the cravings hit. Procrastinate breaking down and smoking for as long as you can bear it.
  • Have u tried the electronic cigarette? Those don't have nicotine but it can help with the oral fixation.
  • Thanks maybe I will try one of those electronic cigarettes I've been trying suckers and gum. It's not hard when I'm at home with my parents but its extremely hard around my boyfriend and especially in the car
  • I have been stopped for 11 days now since I found out I am pregnant. I smoked for 14 years but decided I had to stop as I don't want to risk any harm to my developing baby. I find this helps. Imagine every time you go to light up a cigarette that the cigarette is actually in your newborn babies mouth instead of yours. Would you light it then? Do it for your baby. After about a week all nicotine is out of your system so your body will no longer crave it. Good luck xxx
  • I understand how u feel, I was smoking a pack a day, then found out I was prego with#2 ,so ive cut back every week was 5 then 4 the 3 then 2 and now im down to 1 a day,,,but its still hard ive tryed candy an gum, but what workes for me to help me quit is to make everyone smoke outside and chew on pretzal sticks
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