I just found out im pregnant

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I'm around 5 weeks and don't know what to do...I'm going to be 20 in less than a month and I'm even getting the "you're too young" speech, although my family and my man supports me. I'm stuck on keeping it or not... I've never been one for abortions.. but maybe I am too young and should wait? I'm so lost. Hellllp!


  • no abortion... if anything adoption...and dont make any decisions while u r upset...
  • I'm 20 and 6 weeks pregnant. My husband and I got the support but also got the you guys are young and have your whole life ahead blah blah blah....but know you are gonna get ppls negative unwanted opinion regardless.

    If you do adoption or abortion ppl are gonna say you shouldn't have been laying down making babies if you wasnt gonna take responsibility, if you keep it they are gonna say you a bad mom bc you're young. So do what is best for you and your child and just fuck whatever other ppl think. You'll do what's right.
  • ^ agree.
    Pls noo abortion. Think about adoption if you can't raise baby on your own. I'd be a teen mom too. There's a lot of support for this situation. Please just don't finalize anything until you've looked at other options other than abortion.
  • First time jitters calm down and think clearly what's the good in being a mommy and wats not personly I don't think there is any bad in being a mommy
  • Im 18, had the your to young speach, but you know what, i would abort or give my miracle up for adoption ever. You gotta think about it this way, what if you find out in a few years time when your ready for a baby that you cant conceive, or find it really difficult. Your babys a blessing, just go with the flow and think posative , im sure you can be a great mummy :D all the best
  • I agree with newmommy_armywife! Its what you want but and I agree with the no abortion adoption if anything. But make sure whatever choice u choose is what YOU want and don't let anyone make you do something you don't want too! Best of luck sweetheart!
  • Im 21 and on my 3rd kid I dont care what people think about me its my life and im going 2 live it the way I want 2. U should do whats best 4 u dont care about what other people say or think about u. If u want ur baby then u should keep it. If not there is adoption.
  • Figure out when is the last time in the pregnancy to abort, & use the time to think about what you really want. Whatever you choose just know there are non judgemental support groups out there! I'm 20 & 22 weeks, its scary, but I have a really strong group of family & friends to support me. Good luck love.
  • Hun, I'm 23 yrs old on my 2nd (first is almost 5yrs old) I'm married and I still get the you're too young, you should've waited speech!! Idc what anyone says this baby wasn't an accident (that's what they think) we tried for this baby! You're never gonna please everybody so just do what's best for you. Remember god never gives you more than you can handle. He obviously thinks you're. Capable to take care of this blessing if he gave it to you
  • Thing is, my man and I have only been together for 2 months on feb 25th.. even though we have been really good friends for about 5 years now. I generally could careless what people say (negatively) but there's apart of me that cares what some people have to say. I feel like I would be tieing him down even though he supports me 100% on any decision I make...

    And just like my sister says, "its hard to have a kid at a young age, very challenging" however it'll be hard and challenging at ANY age right?
  • && thank you all so much for your input, it really does help me out. Id hug all of you if I could (:
  • I deff understand what you are sayin..... I guess its easier for me to say keep it bc I'm married so I can't really relate but like you said its hard at any age... lol good luck and just remember you could be housing a future president, the next oprah/bill gates in your tummy. You wouldn't want the world to miss out on that.:)
  • Yesssss having a kid is challenging at any age!! If you have the support from baby's dad that's all that should really matter BC he's going through it with you.. some pol can be together for yrs and as soon as the girl gets pregnant the guy runs away... so you're lucky. Good luck on your decision
  • You'll regret it if you get an abortion. Trust me. Having a baby is the most beautiful thing , though its hard but I'm sure you won't regret keeping it one bit . Think about it, the baby hasn't done anything wrong to you.& I'm sure there are millions out there are trying to have kids and you're one of the luckiest ones that got chosen
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