any one due in oct :)



  • @ourlittlenugget-wow we are only one day apart. Yes, I am already having symptoms excess saliva, tiredness, tender breasts, constanly peeing. How about yourself sny symptoms??
  • @Cali83 - it's funny 1 and 2 weeks post conception I felt slight cramping and heaviness in my lower abdomen, but that's gone now. Aside from tender breasts and some insomnia, I'm not noticing too much. It's hard to believe there's a little nugget in there at all!
  • I will be in october!!! Anyone from new orleans?
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  • I am still waiting 2 find out my edd would be the 25. My lower abdomen is tender, don,t remember that w my other 3 but have no othe symptoms as of yet af was due yesterday. I am hopin'
  • My estimated due date is October 3rd. (:
  • Due October 8th and am so anxious!
    My breasts are so huge and hurt incredibly bad
  • Estimated due date is oct 4th
  • I am due october 17th with my 4th. We are so excited.
  • I'm due October 13th n its my forth baby but I'm not havin morning sickness n I'm 6 weeks but my hubby is sick everyday
  • Due oct 1st with my second hopefully its
    A girl no morning sickness yet and please dont come lol
  • I'm due Oct 30th with my first! :)
  • Im new on here im due oct 2nd wit my second child no mornin sickness yet but i be havin dis back headach
  • I'm due oct 1st :D
  • @luvmy3kids I'm also due the 17th with my 4th. I already have 3 boys
    And would love a girl but will be happy to just have a healthy baby. I feel so bloated, gassy, tired and nauseus.
  • I'm due Oct 14th. This will be my 4th child. I have 1 boy n 2 girls with my first husband. This will be my second husbands 2nd child. He has a 14 year old son.. we saw the heart beat 2 days ago. The rate was 125 per min. We had 2 miscarragies, our last one I was 6 weeks 4 days bleeding but we did see the heart beating too!! No bleeding yet, thank God, and I am sooo nausieaded with this one!! It started the day b4 I was going to get my period. That's when I took the test! I didn't have this w the last 2 miscarragies..
  • Due october 20th 6 weeks and 4 days 2day... I feel different than my son less energy and can't eat certain things sometimes and I feel sick but don't throw up its weird! I hope its a girl! Had 1st ultrasound feb 22nd 5 weeks 5 days going back the 8th! How r u feeling and do u have names picked out, what do u want?
  • Oh ya n heartburn don't think I got that with my son...
  • Has anyones morning sickness improved? I'm due october 6th and I've been sick from day 1... I've had a previous miscarriage, but at the first ultrasound we heard to heartbeat.. I'm worried that my lack of nausea is a bad sign :(
  • My wife is due Oct9
  • Oct 18th
  • October 3rd wit #4
  • I'm due oct 2nd...I had a water birth in mind but I stll need to find a hospital that does in here in california
  • Where in cali do u live, im in cali too??
  • I am due 27th of October,so excited . I still havent told anyone,when is the right time to tell?
  • I wana do waterbirth toooo I'm on my 9th week jus found out on feb. 28th
  • @Br3Ndamouse I am also due on the 21st! This is my third but since my youngest is 11 it almost feels like my first time! Queasy and tired all day long...can't eat anything! :/
  • I'm due Oct 4th with baby #1
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