Does any one have any swelling going on?

edited May 2011 in Third Trimester
Hey everyone, I was wondering who else had some swelling going on. I am going on 32 weeks with my 2nd child. It started with just being on my feet later at night, then it happened with the heat/humidity. Now it is when I wake up til bed. Feet are always up/elevated. Dr. Is not to worried But i fear of it. My daughter was born at 29 weeks with me having severe preclampsia. Am i just over worrisome?


  • i have sweeling in my feet if im on them for too long and my anchles but havent seen anywhere else but my doc told me to exspect it, wish i could help more
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  • My feet are starting to swell at the end of the day. I'm 26 weeks.
  • My feet swell pretty much all day & my hands swell in the I don't wear rings to bed...I'm 40 weeks
  • Im 33 weeks and my feet and hands ballooned up after a long trip this weekend. I now have sausage fingers and can't wear rings :/ hoping it goes down some soon
  • my feet & hands... im only 21+5
  • My whole face nose fingers all blew up. I'm 33+5
  • By the end of the day i have the worst cankles you have ever seen. We call them "thankles" because they run from my thighs to my ankles.... but im also 39 weeks and waiting patiently
  • I'm 37+5 and everything on me feels swollen.
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