having CONTRACTIONS & not knowing :/

edited May 2011 in Third Trimester
So i had my 38w check up today and my doctor confirmed my contractions. For the past 2weeks my tummy swells up and its hard and looks like its lil mans butt and he's stretching so i tht nothing of it. Its been happening every 5-10 mins and last abt 5sec. When this happens i cant breath and i cant move but it doesnt hurt :/ . So today at my appt she seen it swell up and said "thats a contraction, your stomach is contracting when this happens" i looked at her like she was crazy because again it didnt HURT i just couldnt breath or move till it was over. But she said when it last abt a min then im in active labor...

Has this happened to anyone else before??
And does this mean i might go give birth soon? My DD is june 4th im 38w+2


  • I am only 30w+2, but I am afraid I am going to be pregnant woman who didn't know she was in labor....
    :-( sorry, I'm no help.
  • With my first I was contracting and dialated to 4 when I went for a Dr apointment and had no clue that was at 4pm I didn't go to the hospital till 9 and didn't start feeling the contractions till about 3am and apparently I was contrating hard I had her at 5 so it is possible to be in labor and not feel it the reason I went to the hospital was cause I was feeling pressure
  • My stomach does that all the time but i never thought anything about it i always thought it was just her trying to move lol but i usually have a sharp pain in my pelvic area with it i just assumed it was her head puttin pressure down there.
  • Wow- I wish! No, mine became umcomfortable by 3cm, lol. But I was 38w3d when she was born. Good luck! It could very well be any day... make sure you're packed & ready to go! :)
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  • @prettykiki That happens to me too !! I never thought that could be a contraction.. But that makes total sense !! I always crack a smile when you post something because youre usually on the same thought as me lol.. I hope your baby is coming soon !! And dont worry girls your body will definitely let you know when its time
  • Yes lol I was actually getting "all hooked up" in preparation for my csection amd the nurse said. " are you aware you're having contractions?" Uhm really? Lol I told her oh I thought that was just the baby rolling tightly cuz lack of room. To me it was uncomfortable but not painful in any way.
    I was secretly happy for 2 reasons. One I felt contractions(this was my 2ns csec) and Two it confirmed I was right in refusing to have my baby BEFORE her due date
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  • @jessm22 wow thats insane lol
    @angelsmommy i get the sharp pelvic pain to it stops me in my tracks for a quick sec
    @vette_devil lol it would be nice if he came 2mr ill be 38w+3 like you were lol but thanks hun yup ive been packed since 33w
    @uncaffeinated_katie lol you and i both..
    @aliisvolatpropriis lol neither did i girl but thanks, good luck to you to :)
    @mrs_shu wow i hope when my time come that i dont feel them still lol
    @homebirthadvocate yea thats exactly what my doc said...

    Thanks a lot ladies for all the feed back i appreciate it :) good luck to you all with your pregnancies
  • I'm due June 1 and I've been having contractions every 5 minutes. They aren't painful and my cervix is still closed so I doubt I'm going in anytime soon. My vagigi hurts so bad when I walk. Ugh
  • My sister doesn't feel her contractions, with her last pregnancy her stomach would cramp and get hard and she would say....I think that's a contraction...and I would feel her stomach and it would be hard. No pain at all...the doc wanted to send her home bc she didn't act like someone that was in labor. We insisted that she stay and thank God we did, when they pulled her legs back so she cohld push the baby's head was right there. pushed 3 times and the baby was out....lucky brat! Lol
  • @kcoolzchic if yours are 5mins abt & lasting a min + i think you should go to the hospital :/....but yesss my vajayjay hurts so bad too soo much pressure ugh
  • Wow... I feel exactly like you. I feel silly now. I've thought that was her butt, too!!!
  • @sosmommy lol. I swore up & down it was too lol.
  • @PrettyKiki I wnt 2 da hospital and they sent me home since they wasn't painful and since I'm not dialated. :(
  • Oh ok..damn :(
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