Prayers needed for Joplin Missouri

edited May 2011 in USA moms
Lots of prayers are needed for Joplin Missouri. They were hit by 4 tornados lastnight (Sunday). It leveled most of the town and the hospital was a direct hit. Right now the death toll is at 89 but still climbing. They had ppl on the news saying that they were crawling out from under the debrie and there were bodies from young kids to older ppl laying all over. God Bless them all and their families. May God watch over them all and keep those that made it safe.


  • They have had my prayers since last night! I also started a Prayer Post for them, I have lots and lots of family in Joplin! They said it is just horrifying and heart breaking. My cousin barely made it out of the Walmart before it collapsed.... It was sooo scary when we couldnt get ahold of anyone at first.
  • @mommyofangels. I didn't see you made one. Sorry about that. Lol. I live about 4 hours from there and its so heartbreaking that I can't go help with the serch and rescue. If I had someone to watch my children I would go in a second. I'm sure they could use all the medical ppl they could get right now. My heart is broken just watching it on the news and hearing the survivors talk about it. I know that God does everything for a reason and that we are not to question why he does it but its not fair that ppl have to die in a horrifying way. And those poor children ugh. Walmart got hit pretty hard also and a home depot too :(
  • They are in my prayers still!!!
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