Breastfeeding F law



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  • They have laws against sodemy and oral because they dont understand the idea of seperation of church and state... they made those laws because of religious morals. As for breastfeeding... I dont know I think part of it is it bothers some people to watch for whatever reason but also no one can really say where to draw the line on when its time to stop... two years old seems like enough time, but then again we only grew up in a country where most women stop at 6 months. In other places where there might be a shortage of food they breast feed until 6 or so.
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  • hmmm... this is a tough one... i dont have an issue with anyone bf... but i get uncomfortable around people who are a bit 'free' with it and just whip it out. i think its great for mums and babies that do it but i just dont want a front and centre view since i feel akward and dont know where to look, but the mums that are discreet i think should be able to feed till any age in public.
  • mrs_shu going to assume you dont BF.. or never have.. I also dont agree with your opinion.. it is recommended that you breastfeed for 12months.. by that time my son could say a few words and had been walking for 3months.. so your wrong.. i think people who think BF is wierd or wrong.. have a dysfunctional way of thinking.. breasts are made to feed our young.. not for sexual purposes.. Its not only a source of nurishment but comfort for the baby.. And the confort part is the hardest part to break.. i Bf my 13month old i have been weening him for 2months and hes down to twice a day.. but i dont think someone who has not actually experience Bf with there child really doesnt know what they are talking about.. just my oppinion.. I have always been descreet with how i Bf.. and its sad if you have a problem with seeing someone bf.. it is a natural thing..
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  • @law3 perhaps you should reread what I wasn't JUST asking for it, I wrote that when a child is potentially OLD enough for all 3, if you choose to continue to breastfeed, the milk should be in a bottle or sippy cup.
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  • @homebirthadvocate maybe I should clarify. The post is originally about some new law about breastfeeding kids older than 2 in public. Therefore my opinion is regarding that. If a mother chooses to let a 3 year old still suckle in her home I don't care but in public, I feel that should be in a cup.
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  • Lol @blueberrysmom I guess I'll have to go down to the BMV and get Baby's picture taken for his breastfeeding license.
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  • @mrs_shu- well said and I totally agree :)
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  • @HomeBirthAdvocate Those huge blanket like tents are soooo ugly and its HOT in south texas... Im gonna have to figure out how to be discrete as well... although I dont go out often so it hopefully wont be a problem too often.
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  • edited May 2011
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  • I completely agree with @homebirthadvocate my son is 7 years old and has been around bfing mothers all the time. He knows that they r for feeding the baby. i would rather my son see them as that than anything sexual (at least until about 30 lol) and I would like him to be comfortable around it and taught that its the best thing for the baby so he insists his wife bfs. It's inevitable that he's gonna know about boobs y not teach him the real way they r supposed to be used. And I guess by him knowing that he will have more respect for them than just play toys. Don't get me wrong I don't show him boobs or anything but he knows what's going on when he sees a woman bfing.
  • I find it kind of disturbing so many women would rather their young children see breasts as a sexual object to be covered than a food source for babies. I'm preg w/ my second and my daughter is 4. She has seen drawings of breastfeeding in some of the materials I brought home from the doctor and TBH was happy to explain to her that they're for making food for the baby! I'd rather have her love her breasts because they can sustain life than love them because men do lol.
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