
edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Does any one have any good tips for dads and dads to hubby wants some help


  • Tips for new dads would be great. My wife is prego with our first and I have no clue on what to do. :)
  • Back rubs, do the chores, read what to expect for fathers ( the most recent version). Even if your not a reader, there are so many interesting things you'll read about what's going on with her you may not understand. Trust me its all worth it. And shell definitely want those back rubs:)
  • im definitely tryin all the nice things I hear to do. (: im just nervous n hope im a good dad
  • When the babys born you guys will know what to do, instinct. With my first my husband was only 21, when she was born I barely got to touch her bc he wanted to do everything for her. He has a masters in swaddleing Haha
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