Midwife vs OB
Ok I'm high risk & been seeing the OB. But he does have a midwife in the office as well. I met her in march when OB was on vacation & I was in the hospital for kidney stones. Nice lady. The OB has his own website and on it it says that I can have either or both at my labor & birth. I see the ultrasound tech & midwife on June 1st. I'm going to ask that she be there for the birth too. But my question is what is the difference between the two? I'm trying to go as natural as possible but want the dr around just in case. I don't want a c-section, induction, membrane strip or episiotomy (had that before). I'm not 100% on an epidural yet. I'm trying not to & tried the same with my first but had the epidural anyway....was young, in pain, & labor progressed very quickly.
i would choose the midwife, there will always be a doctor there if u should need them during ur delivery
@juliek77 I'm high risk due to type2 diabetes & chronic hbp. Its controlled well though. But I'm definitely gonna talk the the midwife & ask her wat she thinks.