Baby Belly ?!?!

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
When Did You Ladies Start Showing ?!


  • I started about a week ago.I'm 15+6 today.
  • at about 23wks this time last time i didnt pop out til7
  • @Skaihall Oh My , Thats A Long Time ! I Hope I Get Mine Sooner Than Later .
  • lol it was great except belly got huge out of nowhere you also look tiny and all my tiny friends got big quick.
  • 10 weeks. I was pretty tiny before.
  • I started at about 14 weeks... I hunk ir depends how big u r. If ur big then it takes a long time...if ever .
  • @skaihall Well I Was 130 Before I Got Pregnant -& Had A Flat Stomach So Im Hopin Thats Tiny Enough Cause I Want My Belly !
    @brooke How tiny were you ?!
    @nicoleok87 14weeks Isnt Bad ... -& I'm Not Big So Hopefully It Doesn't Take To Long.
  • i was 133 so..everyone is diff
  • i was average size my mom was tiny and she showed later so maybe genetics are involved. i also was dd before and alot of the baby weight went to my chest
  • I am big and I started showing at about 16wks... I am 20wks now. I just depends...everyone is different..regardless of size :) My friends was super skinny and didn't start showing til she was almost 7mos. :) hope you get your bump soon :)
  • about 24 weeks or so I guess
  • I didn't show til around 23-24 wks with both my girls and I was average size before I also didn't gain much with first and haven't gained but maybe 2 lbs so far with this one I think genetics and how you carry the baby determine it too cause even though both mine are girls I have carried very low all along with both.
  • I'm 20 weeks and my baby bump started poking out about a week or two ago. Its still small though I guess I can still suck it in and look non pregnant lol dependingon what I wear though usually results in how much my belly pokes out.
  • At 14 weeks now I'm huge!!! Lol I'm 30 weeks today..
  • @NewMommy I was about 120, maybe a little less and I'm 5'6, so I looked like I only weighed about 100.
  • I started @128 and o didn't start showing till 7 months hope you get your bump soon
  • I started at 15 weeks
  • It became really noticable after spending this weekend in the hospital, idk y it decided to pop then but it did. Before I had a tiny bump that barely showed. Butyesterday I went to the gas station to get cigs and lunch for my bf and the cashier was like "oh is this ur first baby?" Lol I looked at my belly and was like um ya, I guess I'm finally showing huh lol. I'm 24 weeks right now. Crazy tosee how much I popped from before and after hospital
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