is it normal to not show any at 15 weeks?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
This is my first pregnancy and I'm almost. 15 weeks but I'm not showing at all. I feel like I've gained weight or maybe just bloated and I have a belly but its not hard LOL. I'm Still wearing my size 5 jeans...


  • Honey, im 22 weeks and i still don't show. Some women carry different than others. The good news is, you may walk out of the delivery room in those size 5s. I usually don't even have to buy maternity clothes, BIG moneysaver there. I get sad sometimes that noone can tell, but at least i didn't look 8 months pregnant at 6 weeks like a girl i know.
  • Yea that's true. I just think it will help it seem more real to me if I had Just a little bump! But you are right about the money saver. Me and my husband work in EMS so we don't make a lot of money if ya know what I mean. :-)
  • Helllllll yea but I damn sure cant fit my size 1-3 jeans
  • Oh man im 16 wks and im huge already! I cant fit any normal shirts anymore, but I havent gained weight. My dr said its normal to show earlier the more pregnancies you have!? I feel like a cow already :(
  • Im the same way im 17weeks 6days and still not showing. But trust me ull get there.
  • im showing alot but gained 1kg so far, 16 weeks today....
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  • I'll be 12w on Sat and I just had the "pop" where the baby came out of my pelvis. Up top towards the tummy I'm still squishy but from my belly button down its rock hard. I'm bloated up top with baby at the bottom lol. Thankfully it looks even :)
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