Trust me, by 37+ weeks, you won't care you'll just want the kid out lol. And a lot of those videos, I think, are worst case scenario. Who's going to watch a normal birth you know? It's gotta be a lil extreme to get hits.
@brttnywstn14 I healed pretty quickly with no complications, but with it being my first, I didn't have a lot to compare it to, but I can say this-- I never had to take pain meds after she was born...
I have heard that it is easier to heal from an epis than a tear because it is easier for them to stitch up. Just think of sewing together a piece of fabric--its much easier to line up and sew fabric with two straight, clean edges than two pieces that have been ripped and are jagged....same for your skin!
@carryingnumbertwo ok well that males me feel a lil better! I always just think about all the really young girls who have babies n then know i can do it
@mybabe aww lol how has ur pregnancy been going for you? Is this ur first?
@brttnywstn14 I've been to the ER twice for bleeding and now I have low fluid around my baby but my doctor said I am still early so things may change if not I will be on high risk... other than that things ate going fine and this is my first and hopefully my last LOL!!! How about you???
We're wonderful thank you. and I had a girl. I actually asked to have an episiotomy before I started pushing because i was SURE id rip from hole to hole and they said that they would be able to tell if i was going to tear and if they saw that I would they would cut me but they didn't end up having to and I only tore a little tiny bit, not even enough to need stitches. I didn't even notice and I wasn't too sore after, either. Just be sure not to rush yourself when you're pushing and if your body is telling you to take a second, listen, even if you have people screaming at you to push haha.
@carryingnumbertwo thanks for the tip! Ima def tell my dr that!! Does it make it harder to heal after tho?
And a lot of those videos, I think, are worst case scenario. Who's going to watch a normal birth you know? It's gotta be a lil extreme to get hits.
@mybabe aww lol how has ur pregnancy been going for you? Is this ur first?