This gets asked alot.. But is it by the real deal ??

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
So im 38 weeks and have been having contractions for a couple hours now.. They arent painful but cause a noticeable tightness ((i even had hubby feel to confirm )) and pressure down below and in my lower back.. I tried walking around to see if they would stop but not yet.. Should I go in or wait it out ?? I live about 45 minutes from the hospital


  • I've not had a baby yet but it sounds like you could be close to needing to go in. One thing though I've heard is that it should start to increase in pain if it's the real deal. I'd wait untill the moment that happens to head out. It still could not be active labor and go away.
  • Maybe someone with experience can answer too. :)
  • How far apart are they?
  • They say when ur contractions become regular,I think 7 minutes apart. Can u call an advice nurse or the hospital?
  • They are about ten minutes apart.. Im just paranoid because with my first I was only in labor for 5 hours and I never even knew I was having contractions !!.. I tried to call my drs emergency line but he wont answer so the receptionist told me to just head to the hospital if I felt I need to or try to wait it out
  • Can you talk through contractions and walk? If yes you can probably wait a little bit but if you can't I would go to the hospital
  • Thanks everyone.. I think ill just lay down and see what happens.. Im so ready to have this baby !!
  • Drink a lot of water and keep your bladder empty. I'm high risk for preterm labor and that what I have to do, wait a bit and see if that helps, if they get more frequent id try and be seen. I get contractions all the time but having urine in your bladder definitely makes it worse...
  • Well the concractions stopped on their own.. So disappointed !! Lol.. But I have a drs appt tomorrow so hopefully ive progressed and baby will be here soon
  • how close are your contractions.. they say when they are 5 min apart and have been happening for a few hours.. so in your case i would say more like 7min apart.. its just going to suck if you drive all the way out there and send you home.. if the woman in your family have babies in a short time.. dont risk it just go but if your part of the majority.. than you will have a lil time.time..
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