how the heck am I gonna deal with this?!!

edited May 2011 in Giving birth
okay I just reminisced on af which I haven't had since december 16! those cramps are like the worse pain I've ever had in my life!!! and to think my babys father mother says that labor pains are 100 times worse. I'm so scared! and I wanna have her natural! I just don't think I'm gonna make it. when I felt just even the slightest ache during period time I took 3 aleve immediately!!!
for women who have experienced labor! on a scale of 1 ~ 20 with twenty being extremely painful, what do you rate your labor pains?
and for mommys that went natural what advice do you have to lessen pain?


  • 35 lol. Contractions are definatly painful!
  • smh, that makes me sad!!! I know what I will hate my boyfriend and my child during labor! I'm sorry. and I may just question god about him loving us! 35 I may ask for my epidural so fast! I'm pretty sure natural will go out the window pretty quickly!
  • I had my first 3 without any pain medications; my 2nd was an induction with Pitocin too. I have very long labors-37hrs, 27hrs, 52hrs. My 3rd was a homebirth. It hurt, a lot. I wont lie about that. But usually they start off light, then increase, so I would adjust to the pain, then they would get stronger so I would re-adjust to the increased pain & so on. Every contraction I would tell myself that it was just one more closer to delivering. Everytime I thought I couldn't handle it, I'd take a deep breath, close my eyes & focus on my whole body letting go of tension. It helped a ton. I was so afraid of the pain meds slowing down my labor that I never got them. My 4th was an emergency c-section, so that doesn't count for labor pains, lol. All I can tell you is that my stance is women have given birth naturally for centuries. Working in the corn fields, squat down, push baby out, strap baby to their backs then continue working. I completely understand that there's so many options out there now to alleviate the pain, some of the times its actually needed medically, so I respect any choice someone makes. It comes down to a personal choice on pain meds, how you're going to react to the contractions, how both mom& baby are doing, etc. Trust me; you can do anything you put your mind to. Just don't make a choice based off anyone elses opinions. Do it for you. You're the one laying there giving birth. Make the choice that will work the best for you, your comfort, for yours& baby health.
  • You can thank Eve for all the pain we suffer :) Never question God
  • okay you've given me hope!! I'll know if i can deal depending on the first contraction! that will be the decision maker. I'm definitely scared of labor.
  • I wasn't so bad but I did get meds cuz the contractions were so close n I'm a pansy n I really wanted to sleep... but I'm pretty sure I could have done without it... its all about how ur body manage pain
  • Keep in mind that women have more children because it is worth every second of the pain. It lasts a heck lot shorter than the aches/pains/sickness of pregnancy as well as once baby is born you'll almost immediately forget all about how much it had hurt to get the baby out. You'll be fine, just see how it goes for you. Most hospitals require you to be 4cm before an epidural anyway, so you will get a good preview of the harder/stronger pains before you can make a choice either way. I believe you can get them up til 8cm, so transition labor (4-7cm) is the best time to make up your mind since before is too soon, after is too late. My cousin said the epidural helped a lot for the afterbirth pains since it was still working (she had it for 10hrs so she was still numb) when the pains of the uterus contracting down, so it wasn't as bad as if you were drug free delivery. The only thing I despise of giving birth is the afterbirth pains, (they get worse more kids you have), the dreaded bowel movement afterwards & the bleeding. Otherwise, labor was the least of my discomfort woes. I say just see how it goes while you're experiencing it. That's the best time to decide which route you want to go.
  • P.S. you can also request either Demerol (goes thru your IV) to help take the edge off, but keep in mind that goes thru to the baby, so baby will be groggy. Or you can get a 'walking' epidural that just helps with the pain but you can still move, can feel more, since women seem to have more sensation which gives them more oomph to push. Women have also gotten epidurals if their labors are long so they can rest, then have them turned off before delivery so they can get some feeling back before pushing. Just some options for you.
  • My suggestion is if anybody tells you to watch a labor on YouTube don't do it!!! I scared myself lastnight watching that crap and now I don't know what to do...smh!!!
  • I scared myself last night too..I watched a video on live birth on this more of that haha
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