O goodness I hope that doesn't happen I want my little girl.... I'm the only girl in my family all my cousins n siblings are boys we need another girl in the mix
Thats my question I thought it was boy but us says girl lol my cousin had 4us confirmations and everythinh was for girl the day of the delivery it was a BOY
That makes me nervous! They said she had a 10% chance of possibly having a penis (it was 17 weeks and a bit early to tell). I get another ultrasound at my next appointment, so lets hope she doesn't become a he!
I know a couple that was told girl, not sure how many ultrasounds they had, but the day of delivery a little boy came out. They had the nursery all done and had pink clothes purchased etc. We were told a girl at our ultrasound at 21 weeks and I am sure I saw no signs of a penis, but I don't know how crazy I will get buying stuff, we already have a 4 yr old girl and a 2 year old boy, so we don't need much either way.
Not personally but I know about 5ppl who were told the wrong sex! 2 told boy and it was a girl & 3 told girl & it was a boy! Bad technicians is my thought! Or too early of an ultrasound!
@fiirstTiimemommy2b how far along was she when she had the 4d us. That does scare me cause I am just using alot of my stuff from my first daughter cause this is another girl, if it comes out a boy I will be sol! Lol