cleaning my house

edited May 2011 in First Trimester
just need to vent...within the last couple days my nausea has been ridiculous but im not throwing up. it just literally hurts to move and we have family coming over for dinner tonight and i am having so much trouble finding the motivation to clean my house. every time i stand up i just feel awful and i know it has to get done but all i want to do is lay on the couch and drink water...and eat crackers lol. any suggestions to get through the day and be productive? thanks girls!


  • Have you tried preggy pops? They work really well for nausea. Also lots of water and gatorade.
  • @hopeful1313 ohhhh I feel you! Im so tired of it...bless your heart having your family over, I refuse to commit to anything but laying in my bed. I can't even eat much (even though im hungry), I take two bites of something and it either doesn't taste good, or it suddenly requires me forcing it down....I just can't eat. I have found that ice chips or jolly ranchers help a little...
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