me out ladies

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Ok so I'm 29 wks along and my fiance left me a week ago I'm all on my own for this and I'm only 20 yrs old ladies I don't know how to cope with this me plz


  • Im so sorry you have any family or very close friends you can lean on? Ill pray for you...
  • Just gather your thoughts. Get a paper and pen and figure out why you need to do to prepare for the baby. If you need financial help go get that taken Care of ASAP, are you having a baby shower? If so you can hope your family will help you with a crib and stuff like that. Apply for wic as well, if you aren't living on your own they have housing assistance as well. Just go through the list of what needs to be done, get the motivation going. You can do it :-D
  • Did you have family??? You should stay as busy as possible doing little things and try to keep your mind off of him.... worrying isn't good for da baby , so do whatever it takes not to stress... I've been there recently as well I'm much better now but it will take time.. I'm sorry this is happening to you and wish you da best!!!
  • all i can say is spend as much time with loved ones and occupy your time with things you like to do.. thats what ive done when i was heart broken.. i sorry you have to deal with this right now but.. try to stay positive for your baby.. cause they can feel our emotions.. or moods..
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