Stressed out! Preeclampsia question

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 34+1 and am being tested for preeclampsia. Is it possible to be diagnosed with it even thought my blood pressure is normal? I have severe pitted edema and they found protein in my urine.


  • Im not sure. I know when I had it with my first i had high BP and protein in my urine... But Im gonna bump this to the top :)
  • My blood pressure had been great. The highest was today at 120/70. Hopefully the test will come out negative. I don't want to sit the hospital until I'm 36 weeks.
  • I'm currently at the hospital staying for testing of my urine for 24hrs. My blood came back slightly abnormal and my symptoms say preeclampsia so they did a liver and spleen ultrasound plus more blood and the 24hr pee thing. My blood pressure has been perfect! Symptoms I'm having is pain on my right side under ribs, blurred vision, headaches that won't go away. So yea sounds like preeclampsia and I'm only 27 weeks prego. Sucks. I would give anything to be 34wks right now!
  • oh yea there was a bit of protein in my urine as well.
  • I was wondering the same thing because I had the same symptoms but my bp was always normal & I thought it had to be something else but it is possible to suffer from it w/o elevated bp. Good luck & I hope everything turns out alright.
  • Im suffering from it, but I have no protein in my urine but my bp is high. I been on bedrest since around 26 weeks. Im 31 weeks now, but my Dr said as soon as I show protein in my urine he will have to induce me right away. So Im hoping for the best.
  • I had symptoms but its not preeclampsia! :D pain has gotten better :) it was probably some medication they had me on.. I stopped taking it and I started feeling better. Hope you don't have it either
  • My results came back normal today! Yay! Thank you guys for your input!
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