oh em FREAKIN gee get this bby out of me!



  • Lol...tic toc....
  • Are you there, Kaleb?!
  • Ugghh @ebbry89 how you holding up girl? I wish they would give m that bulb thinggy I haven't even started pitocin yet just round 2 of the little white pill incert . Lol itw funny cause I came in about the same time as you 8am and I was also dialated 1cm . Although looks like your progressing much faster then me . I'm also waiting for my bd to get here and extremely annoyed about it!
  • I can't sleep cause I keep checking for ur updates Omg girl u messing wit me and lil man's rest
  • @ebbry89, any news hunny? Has Kaleb made his grand entrance yet?
  • No update? I'm worried! :-S
  • Hey, did we miss the birthday part. Come n tell us something
  • Has itgone past 9pm her time yet? x
  • Hmmm...maybe she's resting!

    @ebbry89 I hope you and baby Kaleb are doing great!!
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  • Knock * knock is this thing working..... Hope you and baby are well. Love and light to you. Xxhugzxx :X
  • @ebbry89 how are u & baby kaleb??? Doing well I hope! :) if ur resting you deserve it & if he's here CONGRATULATIONS mommy!
  • I bet they are ok & just taking time to rest & enjoy her new baby!!
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  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • lol she's left us hanging. she's probably just mesmerized by her little man! I'm so ready to be in her shoes!!! *sigh* sixteen more weeks!
  • Hope everything has gone well!!
  • My guess she threw her cell at her ex. Lol
    But I'm soo excited for her to have Kaleb :)
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  • ........................
  • edited May 2011
    @Jaime77 LOL I want to know if he showed up...
  • Hope you and baby are doing good!
  • @mybabe
    Hopefully he got his ride, and is kissin her feet ;)
  • @Jaime77 yea I just really hope he got his act together and steps up to the plate...
  • edited May 2011
    Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!! I'm losing my mind waiting on a update and pics!!!!!
  • I find it completely rude that she is being stingy with her little man and udates! I mean come on, she probably just gave birth and can't let us know!& how rude! lol, before people get mad im totally playing, and I hope all is well, and were just waiting cuz her phone died or her son is just to cute for her to put down!
  • I agree. HOW RUDE LOL.
  • I wanna know! Wanna know wanna know! What happened!
  • by this time baby has to be out lol hopefully everything is going well :)
  • Wow.....it's been a long time since she updated!! @ebbry89 I hope everything is going well and you are enjoying sweet baby time!!
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