Maybe TMI, but does anyone know how to get rid of constipation?

edited May 2011 in July 2011
because i am in a hell of alot of agony and nothing is working iv tried drinking water and stuff and iv also tried drinking fibregel. wich the doctor gave me and nothing is helping at all...please please help because i am not happy right now. :-W


  • Colace helps, hot baths helped me, fiber one like two of them haha
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  • Milk of magnesia twice a day
  • Prunes helped me! Also make sure to drink lots of water! It has also gotten a little better in the 2 nd trimester.
  • @garagebandfan & @isaiahnjocelynsmommy im not sure if they do fiber one bars in the uk were im from :-S and i had a hot bath about an hour ago and it didnt work. anymore suggestions? x
  • Water and warm tea. Warm drinks helps me. Also try green veggies or more fruits and veggies in general.
  • by the way im 32weeks and 4 days pregnant, so is this nomal? x
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  • Is there anything that normally makes you poop? Milk and dairy help me when I get stopped up.! Ask your doctor for a stool softner..and try not to push to hard so you don't develop hemroids!
  • I heard apples and apple juice. I tried prunes and they did nothing! I would drink and small juice box of apple juice a night and it made me regular. I also did a supository(
  • Eat alot of fiber. Or the activia yogurt
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  • The fiber one bars are really good too!!
  • Cauliflower helped me a lot, its a natural Laxative. Just get some Veggie dip.
  • Milk of magnesia worked for me when I was feeling like u r now..but I've been taking fiberall 3 x a day and eating far its been working I have some moments...juicy juice always works too
  • thank you all for your help. iv got the midwifes today so i think i might ask her if shes got any ideas on what might help. x
  • Might sound reaaaaaalllllly odd. But anal sex works. Sorry if tmi
  • Eat a salad once a day and drink a lot of juicy juice!!
  • Kiwi fruit! Doesn't work straight away should take about a day. Keep fluids up and plenty fruit and veg.also massaging your tummy in a clock wise direction along your colon. It helps to get everything moving along. Its due to those damn preggo hormones. They relax everything so its slows down the digestive system. Id have some kiwi every morning with breakfast.
  • Some walking, lots of water, and kiwi and mangoes helped me substantially .... I went back to normal within two days. It was nice to poop again
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