please vote on names for my baby girl
Lincoln Aariona or Parker Aariona
My husbands name is Aaron and insists on us fitting it in somewhere. Lol
Thx in advance
My husbands name is Aaron and insists on us fitting it in somewhere. Lol
Thx in advance
I actually wish I could get around Aariona. Lol
I like Aariona Parker too.. to me its prettier & more girly...
I only say ths only cuz the ppl I knw w a lincoln or parker name, are males.. my cousins sons name is parker...
But as a middle it would cute!
I personaly like the name Laine for a boy, & I read how its such a girls name!!! Grrr lol.. oh well, we can name our kids wutevr..
I luv the name Laine
Now Darnell is a great name.
i have never heard of a lincoln anywhere... and i'm born on abe lincolns birthday so i'll say that as my top choice... but both/all are great!!!
I had a friend who named her son Lincoln and her daughter Penny... and she swears she "didnt know Lincoln is on the Penny" hahahahaha
Darnell is a hosp by me. Its where I will deliver.. sadly. Wish I had my choice