I ask for prayers *Update*

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I have my surgery tomorrow (well today) to remove a nasty ovarian cyst from my left ovary. I'm 13 weeks today. I've talked on here and done a lot of research and things look amazing for a positive out come. The statistics for something going wrong is like one in 30 million, better odds than my docs one in 5 mil, and only the ovary is affected, the uterus isn't touched so my baby will be out of harms way. Plus after they reach the infected organ they separate it as much as possible from anything else to maintain blood flow control should the cyst burst. My minister is going in with me to pray before I go under as well.

There are strengths in numbers, this is true for prayers too. I ask you to pray for mine and my little miracles safety. My name is Meghan and my baby we call Boo.



***I'm out of surgery, been sleeping off the anesthesia. My husband said everything went well, but oh my it hurts. I'll be back on here again tomorrow maybe. Thank you all for the prayers.



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