Cant afford to buy bd a bday gift :-(

Okay so I recently quit my job and bd has been great and is taking care of everything. We've been together for 5yrs and have a 4yr old together. Now I'm 5months with out 2nd. He's just a really great guy and I want to make his bday special but we don't have any extra money at the moment. And suggestions/ideas on how to his bday a great one without spending very much money? Lol I realize this isn't really pregnancy related but just thought id ask.


  • You and your 5 year old could make him a card, go out to a nice dinner, but if you don't have the money cook him his favorite dinner. Then give him a back rub and take care of him. As long as you are happy with what you do I'm sure he will be too
  • Decorated your rm or dining rm w/ something ..say hearts..all you need are 2 poster boards frm store and cut them out..tape on the walls..get all dolled up pretty :) a make something yuMMy! Have you and ur daughter bake a cake or cupcakes and make a sure you will love and appreciate anything you'll do!!
    Oh have your place all nice a clean!
  • Well, what I use to do to add on to my gifts n this would b cute cuz u don't have much to spend ..... Buy a card, small gift bag & hershey kisses.
    Fill the bag with the kisses, write how u feel about him on the card, then include a kiss for everytime ur away from me way n thinking of me ( something to that nature )
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