@hurstk28 ok that would be good but I'm breastfeeding as well and @homebirthadvocate Ok condoms sounds the best but I can't depend on those really...someone told me about nuva ring howu does that work
I dont think I would use the nuva ring while bf tho. With my daughter, my dr. put me on a lowdose bc and it killed my supply. I had to stop the bc and had to take this herb for a cpl weeks to save it.
they have this inplant that goes in the arm. its not that norplant thing but something different. a know a girl with it and she loves it! she said it didnt hurt much and it last for 5 years. only thing is there is a lil rod like lump u can feel in her arm. bout and inch long but u only can tell if she shows u and u rub it. not noticable unless u push kinda hard
Condoms and natural family planning. Every single person I've known to use Nuva Ring has actually gone a little crazy including myself. It's supposed to be localized hormones but it got to me really badly.
I had the depo after losing my second baby and it work very well, I didn't gain weight and as a bonus it didn't give me periods. Lasts 3months and did it's job, when I decided to ttc again after 2months without my injection af was back and conceived within 2months plus it's still effective if your anti biotics and it's fine to breastfeed whilst having it.
I liked the nuva ring.
I went from 110 to 141, although I don't look it...I feel it. And it makes me emotional