a disturbing update but gets better...

edited May 2011 in Giving birth
Okay so after they hiked my dose to 20 of the pitocin last shit got real so i asked for the epidural...well please ladies try not to get upset and hysterical...they tried to put in the epi and he had a hard time getting it in the epi space...and after trying he mistakenly overdosed me the medicine went all the way up to my neck and i stopped breathing...they kicked everyone out of room...i was dying later on i woke up to a think in my throat and all of the doctors and nurses scared and upset sooo apologetic and kept hugging and kissing me...

After this ordeal i was put back in my room and not on pitocin i was contracting on my own...this morning around 6 i was given the option to get back on pitocin or csection...after everything that happen i could not tolerate anymore so i opted for the csection...they tried to do a spinal tap and after awhile i told them to stop and the anesthesiologist thanked me for speaking up and they decided to fully put me to sleep...

Needless to say at 843am weighing in at 8lbs 1 oz and 20 1/4 inches tall Kaleb Joshua Hoskins was born and me and dad are sooo elated and so in love w/ our little man and dad is acting right and has been taking excellent care of me and little man!


  • Wow girl! So glad u and baby r ok. After all that b's better be on best behavior! Lol
  • Pheww! I was worried! What an ordeal..lyv luv luv that Kaleb is safe and sound! Happy Birthday lil dude!
  • Aww congrats mama I'm glad ur alright
  • Congrats!
  • Congrats lady!! You had a crazy time!!! Wow weee.
  • Congrats on the baby! But holy crap on all the other things that went horribly wrong! Thank goodness your ok!!
  • Congratulations & sorry u had a hard time but thank god you guys are ok! Enjoy your little bundle & I hope your recovery is swift.
  • Wow what an ordeal! But its one you will never forget! Congrats!!!
  • Omg I glad everything is ok now and uv got ur lil man but sorry u had to go thru all that...musta been scary...congrats on the birth of ur son
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited May 2011
    Congrats on your little man:) what a scary situation, but its good to know your doing okay..
  • Thats really scary! Im glad you and baby are ok! Congrats :-)
  • edited May 2011
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Glad to hear that you both are doing well congrats on your new addition
  • Congratulations :)))
  • Oh, thank GOD you're okay! I'm so happy to hear that everything worked out in the end, hun. Hugs!!! >:D<
  • Wow what a story! So glad you guys are fine. That's a scary story.
  • So glad you and Kaleb are both okay and doing well! And so glad that dad is stepping up!! :)
  • Oh wow.makes me scared of getting an epidural. I'll take the pain.glad you are ok and baby is good.
  • Congratulations, what an entrance little Kaleb made! Thank God you're ok!
  • Dont be scared hun its just one mistake if you need that epi get one dont let my story scare you please @excitedforbaby
  • Glad to here things are ok and baby is well. What a diasterous scare. Glad you're ok and recovering with your baby boy.
  • Congrats Momma! We were beside ourselves waiting to hear about Mr. Kaleb's arrival. Sorry it was so dramatic, but thank God you both are ok. Glad dad is behaving lol. Take it easy & enjoy your lil man. Hugs!
  • Congratulations and I'm glad you and Kaleb are doing good!!
  • i am so happy to hear that you are ok. We have all been wondering about you and your lil man. I hope your recovery is easier!! Congratulations!!
  • But girl,its a mistake that I can't afford to happen.I planned on doing natural anyway,but now.no way! I'm sorry,that just freaked the hell out of me.
  • Awwwwww glad ta hear ur fine nd the baby is ok.
  • Congrats! Glad to hear about your little man, and hope you have a speedy recovery.
  • edited May 2011
    Congrats! Glad to hear that u and baby are okay. :)
  • Holy Crap!
    SO glad you are still with us and that you amd Kaleb are fine :)
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