weight gain

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
(29 weeks) Lately i have been having a very hard time with getting bigger, too me all i see in the mirror is a big whale i have been getting really depressed since pre- pregnancy was 120 lbs. and wore size 2 but i thought i had been gaining the normal amount of weight, until today i had a dr. appt and was informed that injust one month i gained..... 31 lbs so i sa there for 30 mins while i was being told how fat i am and how he could tell i gained lots of weight, so needless to say i he been crying all day, and ore depressed then ever 169 pounds i am disgusted i really dont want to eat anymore...


  • I'm so sorry.... Nothing much you can do now about the weigjt you've already gained. Just try and watch what you eat and walk everyday. I know it's hard! just know you're almost done and can lose it all soon. Feel better : )
  • edited May 2011
    I can completely relate... with my first pregnancy I was 130 pounds at my first appointment, then I lost 20 pounds due to morning sickness. In the last 5 months, I gained back the 20 plus 55 more! It sucks... But as long as your baby healthy that's all that matters. Don't sweat it too much. @jess510 is right. Just try to be a little more cautious and after baby comes you can work it off.
  • Also when you breastfeed you burn 800 calories a day by no sweat. I also gained about the same weight and same stage of pregnancy but 20 pounds of it is baby and the rest 10 let's say with breatfeeding and watching out, you will be able to loose. I feel so fat, never felt like this my entire life. Anyone who even jokes about my weight ,gets me sensitive but than again we have all the water weight too. Don't worry! I'm there with u :)
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