28 weeks & it feels like my body is GIVING UP!!!

edited May 2011 in Second pregnancy
Okay so i just turned 28 weeks today and my next appt isn't for another 2 weeks (30 weeks) & Im starting to get restless. I mean REALLY... my body feels like its giving in and up on me. I feel like if i had this baby tomorrow i wouldn't be able to go through labor cause my body is so tired. My son has been pushing all his weight down and is resting on my bladder, so beside having to get up to go use the bathroom (literally) every 15 mins.. i can hardly walk! All the pressure makes it hard for me to get up on my own or even walk more than 10-15mins.

I'm just wondering what would happen if my body just completely let me down before i hit the safe zone of 37/38 weeks?? I haven't dilated or anything but you know that saying " a woman KNOWS her body" well insert it here in this topic lol. I can't explain it... but i KNOW my body isn't going to make it to the safe zone. I tell my husband and my doc the same thing... they both say "oh ur going to be fine". But im having to disagree...

*what do u ladies think???*


  • dang.. I don't feel like that n I'm almost 28w... ur body probably is jus tired.. first bby?? hmm.. well u do know ur body better than anyone..jus how I know mine n I know I'm pretty strong... jus take it easy... enjoy it..n drink lots of fluid!!
  • Nope not first baby this is my second born! With my daughter (5 yr old) I had a hard pregnancy with her and went into pre-term labor twice! I havent had those type of complications this time around but my body do feel like its on its last leg (so to speak). I've been tryin to force myself to drink plenty of water... so far thats an uphill battle lol. Hopefully this all turns around... if not i dont know whats going to happen! :/ :-(
  • Ugh I'm almost 31 weeks and feel the same way. Some days I am so exhausted I can't even sit upright. I feel like my body is just going to shut down anyday lol. This is my first though so I could be over reacting haha
  • @ misskeribabee .. if u feel ANYTHING like me im sure ur not over reacting lol!! ... I wouldnt even wish this one my worst enemy (wait...would i???)))) .... :-? .... naaaaaaaa , i wouldnt lol!
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