Please help me! Any mixed caucasion/african moms!

edited May 2011 in Third Trimester
My neice khalia chanel is one years old she has gorgeous tight curled mixed hair, my younger sis has been randomly using african american hair products in her hair n I am slowly seeing her hair drastically dry out n brk off constantly on the ends :/ please tell me wat to use before my angel has no hair.


  • Conditioner lots of it. My daughter is mixed and I went through the same thing. Now her hair is long and healthy and beautiful. I brush and style every night before bed. Brush from bottom to top and go slow. No braids or rubber bands they break their hair badly! Lots of conditioner is key.
  • I use curly Q hair products on my kids all organic an works great.
  • There's a product called DPL and its made specifically for mixed people with natural curly hair. They have moisturizer and shampoo. I'm sure its sold at your local beauty supply store. You should definitely try that out! Oh yeah, and it definitely won't dry her hair out!!
  • I use moisterizer.Pink hair lotion.
  • Don't use pink lotion. I find it drys my girls hair even more. I'm white dads black. Kids hair is tight curls. Have you tried hair grease? Or use V05 oil it helped my girls hair be soft for a few days. Gotta get more. Other wise use high quality conditioner. I usually do. Or there's a product called Mixed Girls or something. Special kids of mixed race. I can't find it round here. But I'm in the burbs. Maybe check a beauty supply store.
  • Don't use hair gel! Tons of conditioner, try Mixed Chicks products or a product called Curly Q Milkshake.
  • I'm all black but I hav natural curly and thick hair...I must admit its a hassle but like every one else said try lots on conditioner and keep it moisterized rubberbands r bad so I use the scrunchees(sp) without the metal piece but braids r ok as long as u take care of her hair...good luck
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