birth plan ladies????



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  • @homebirthadvocate thanks cause I had absolutely no clue what it was for
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  • Will they put the goo in IF you dont say anything? @HomeBirthAdvocate .

    Yay, glad I could help @yummymummy1
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  • I need to do a hospital tour myself but my birth plan is almost finished, just semi preparing my hospital bag now lol.....soo cannot wait to have my son
  • @HomeBirthAdvocate how do you feel about the DTAP vaccine? the ingredients scare me but even my crunchy midwife made it sound vital.
  • I have my birth plan done already, and my only advice to everyone is this: understand that the birth of your baby RARELY ever goes 100% according to plan. Make your birth plan with the mindset that it's just "preferences"... but that most likely some things will have to be altered. I did NOT want an epidural w/ my first, but it ended up being medically nessecary. Just go with the flow when the time comes... Your first & foremost goal should be to get your baby out safely... after that, its all gravy. :) Good luck ladies!
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  • When do u start making ur birthplan?
  • I had mine done & gave a copy to my midwife at my first 2-week appointment. She will fax a copy to L&D for my file over there, but I'll take one more for them in my hospital bag & 1 more to keep with me, just in case.
    @HomeBirthAdvocate - I agree with you on everything regarding the vaccinations; we will do vit K, not do Hep B, no eye goop & breastfeeding only. We also spread out vaccinations with our first, due to a history of bad reactions on both sides... it was definitely worth it. :)
  • @preggointx about 2 months before due date so you get that out the way
  • i read that the vitamin k injection contains such a high dose of vitamin k, which promotes cell division, that it has been linked to cases of childhood leukemia. that is why i have chosen the oral dose, and breastmilk supplementation instead of the shot.
  • @Juneduebug ...that's good information to have; thank you... I'll look it up before I decide. :)
  • @vette_devil of course! please do not take my word for it, i think research should be everybody's best friend! :)
  • Whats the difference of getting the cord cut before & after its done pulsing?
  • @mszcastillo blood and oxygen loss for the baby. if you wait til the cord stops pulsating, the blood drains out of the cord to the baby, providing oxygen as well. also, if the baby has any difficulty breathing initially, it is supplemented by said oxygen.
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  • O wow! I've thought about this, but now i feel like there is so much i dont know (being a 1st time mom). I know i would like to go all natural if possible, but if need be i'm open to an epi. My Dr. gave me a paper to fill out for my birth plan but its asking about music and who's allowed in the room. Nothing about baby other then bottle or breastfeed.
  • @adensmommy0803 ...oh, wow! That's the most important part! I would look up another birth plan outline on the internet & print it out... then you can discuss it with your doctor at your next appointment.
    @Juneduebug ...agreed! My (former) pediatrician gave us hellll for spreading out my daughters vaccinations, but I did my research & knew it just wasn't 'convenient' for her... and that most doctors spread out the vaccinations of their OWN children... nice.
  • @vette_devil , thank you thats what i've been doing i've got two more printed out now, and I cant believe what all is on them that wasnt on mine!!! How do you spread out the vaccinations exactly. I have had cousins that had major issues due to the shots they were given. One who found it so scary that he completely quit speaking for several years and has been labeled autistic (sp) because of it.
  • I also had issues when i was given my shots to start school and remember very well seeing the needle and running from the dr.s and nurses. to this day i still pass out when i know i'm about to get a shot or IV put in. It scares the heck out of my poor husband. the last time i had blood taken i passed out and when i woke up i had 3 nurses and my husband trying to hold me down on the bed. I guess i became very vilent and tried to punch a nurse and run. (she poked me multiple times before i even passed out). Needless to say my husband is not looking forward to the delivary....
  • Glad my post could help cos it sure helped me
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  • @yummymummy1 im late but your welcome it really helped me because i didnt even think of all that stuff. so the checklist on there helped me
  • I just want to eat while in labor,no epidural,no c section,only my bf in the room.
  • @excitedforbaby that's something I was recently thinking about. You know what food I will want to eat during and after labour lol
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