Factor V Leiden and Lovenox

I am on lovenox shots for factor v leiden and protein s deficiency. I was just wondering how often others who are on lovenox get ultrasounds/blood tests/ or see their doctor. I have an ultrasound every 4 weeks which is what normal people do as far as I am concerned and I had some extra blood tests in the beginning but not anymore.


  • Anyone?
  • I have Lupus (SLE) & protein S deficiency. I am on Lovenox injections 30mg alternating between 1 on one day, 2 on the next (alternating days). I have a filter in my main artery to block future clots from going into my heart & lungs. I am on blood thinners for life :( I don't have a ton of appointments though. Depends on the severity & your doctor. My INR levels have always been so stable I don't require as frequent monitoring as possible.
  • Best of luck in your pregnancy! So far they checked my levels once and I am 16 weeks.
  • Same to you! How are you feeling? Lovenox makes me so nauseated. I am 27wks, having my 5th baby, I have 4 daughters, this is a boy. Never had this before (got sick almost 2yrs ago, developed Lupus, etc) so this medication is a new experience.
  • Thank you! I also get nauseas from the lovenox shots and tons of bruises but other than that I am feeling okay. Previously, I had two miscarriages at around 5 weeks so this is my first viable pregnancy. I am excited but nervous at the same time! That is great that you are getting your boy! I am not sure what I am having yet.
  • What is your dosage & how often? I have slowed down on my bruising, thankfully. I had some that were so horrible & they just got bigger, so when I would do another shot, the injection site would literally pour blood out. I am on Zofran, so that helps some. I am sorry to hear you had previous losses, those are so difficult to get thru. How old are you? Where are you from/live? I am 27, born/raised/live in Phoenix Arizona. There is another member on here, @artistmamma who has to be on Lovenox as well.
  • The one good thing about the lovenox is that the medicine is not burning as much as it used to. May be I have gotten used to it? I have been taking 60 mg twice a day since 4.5 weeks. I am 32 from NY. Yes the losses were definitely hard even though they were so early on. But this is the first time I actually heard a heartbeat and saw a baby at the ultrasound which gives me a lot of hope!
  • I don't have factor 5 but I do take lovenox. 60 once a day. 4 weeks is a little far appart. I see my specialist every 4 weeks and my ob also every four so I see a doctor every two weeks.
  • I do have Factor V and I've been on Lovenox since I was 14 weeks preggo, now i'm 33. I have to see 2 doctors a high risk dr once a month for ultrasound and my obgyn, now that im getting closer I see my high risk every two weeks for ultrasounds, I have to go twice a week for nonstress tests and I see my obgyn every 2 weeks too. I've been injecting 40 mg once a day, and by 36 weeks i'm starting on Heparin, which is a twice a day injection. I've heard that Heparin doesnt hurt as much as Lovenox does, it still burns when I inject with Lovenox as of right now.. I cant wait for this pregnancy to be over!! I hate neddles, lol.
  • @semperfiwife thanks for the response. I went for an ultrasound the other day and the doc told me at 20 weeks I will start having an ultrasound every two weeks to check for heart blockage in the baby. I have been reading a lot of posts of women starting heparin towards the end of their pregnancy. My doctor said that I will be on lovenox until the day before I am induced. You are almost there! Are you going to be induced? Is this your first? I don't like the needles either but it makes it worth it that the pregnancy has lasted this far :) I wish you the best!
  • My wife is on clexane (heparin) for a previous dvt. She says only time it hurts is when the liquid is cold, so that may be a problem also for you. She was told the same with her insulin and to keep the open one at room temp but out of direct sunlight obviously.
  • @semperfiwife thanks for the response. I went for an ultrasound the other day and the doc told me at 20 weeks I will start having an ultrasound every two weeks to check for heart blockage in the baby. I have been reading a lot of posts of women starting heparin towards the end of their pregnancy. My doctor said that I will be on lovenox until the day before I am induced. You are almost there! Are you going to be induced? Is this your first? I don't like the needles either but it makes it worth it that the pregnancy has lasted this far :) I wish you the best!
  • @dadof2n1togo Yes that may have been the reason. Thanks and good luck to you and your wife!
  • @babytime This is my second pregnancy, on my first one I got preeclamsia and they didnt know why, I had an emergency c-section because the placenta ruptured, so this time they did lots if tests and found out about the Factor V, that was the reason I got the preeclamsia to begin with. I will be having a scheduled c-section in 4 weeks, so far thanks to the blood thinners i've had a normal pregnancy, I am very happy about that, I was afraid of having complications again. Are you having your baby naturally? Is this your first? Good luck to you! I hope everything goes well :)
  • It's good that your doctor did the testing after you had the initial complications. I had two early miscarriages before I found out that I had factor v. I have to be induced a couple of weeks early due to the lovenox. This is my first, I am excited but nervous!
  • I am on lovenox. 30 mg twice a day and ill also be switching to heparin around 36 weeks. I will have to take 3 shots a day then :( I see a regular ob and a high risk ob. I go to each once a month.
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