Cytotec in labor

My doctor is inducing me, due to high blood pressure. She said that since My cervix is only 50% effaced and at a -4 position, that they will probably give me cytotec during labor. I assume it helps with cervical readiness. I'm concerned, as online I've seen many horrible side effects of this, and that it can cause miscarriage. Anyone had any experience with this, or any ideas of how it works and what it is primarily used for?


  • Its not fda approved for being used on pregnant women :-/ but its used all the time regardless. I guess it just depends how your body reacts to it. Maybe there are other options?
  • Yeah, that's why I'm worried about it. The other option is some kind of pill that You insert, but I'm not sure what is safer :/. I want to be as informed as possible before I decide. Thank You for the information! Anyone else?
  • I heard cytotec is really bad.. And it actually says on the package not for preggo women.
  • I have heard it can cause maternal death and birth defects as well!! I absolutely would refuse it FDA doesn't recommend ir for use in labor!! I would never never use that drug
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