The doctor says that I have low amniotic fluid,

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Does anybody know if this means that I will not make it to 40 weeks? Or is this nothing to worry about?


  • How far along are u?
  • At 36 weeks my fluid was at a 6 the next week it was a 15. It can go back up.
  • Sometimes they catch you at a time when the baby has swallowed fluid but hasn't had the chance to put it back out. So I wouldn't worry to much until you have a follow up
  • I am 28 weeks!
  • I am worried becuz I am not that far along
  • If ur Dr doesn't seem concerned right now don't stress. And wait for next appt to see. When is ur next appt
  • I had low fluid... found out at 28 weeks and had her at 35!
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • so they continue to check the fluid after your 20 week ultrasound???
  • How do you find out if the fluids low??..
  • @ashley_happy They measure the depth when you have an ultrasound, you know like the black part around the baby? They circle around the baby and measure the depth amd if it doesn't meet a certain number then its considered low. @mommyof4boys I can't believe they didn't tell you how bad it was. Did they give you any advice? I'm sure they should have but yes the most obvious is to drinkk water like there is no tomorrow. I hope everything turns out better!
  • Just drink lots if water and I'm sure the doctor will keep a close eye. My cousin was farther along so they induced her and the water levels had gotten to low. Take care and good luck mamas!
  • I had low a fluid with my 1st they induced me at 36 wks but they made me drink extra water daily but i was leaking it ...r u leaking it
  • Just drink a lot of water and avoid salt. The salt will absorb whatever water you are drinking. I'm sure they will continue to monitor you. It's obviously nothing to worry about right now. They might have you do non stress tests and extra ultrasounds. They admitted me to the hospital and pumped me full of IV fluids overnight but mine were still dangerously low so I had to have my daughter 5 weeks early. This time around I was worried about it happening again but they said there's really nothing you can do to prevent it. They want me drinking at least 10 glasses of water a day and more if I can.
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