I need help...

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Someone took my superwoman mojo! Wtf??!!!

Ok so I woke up, made the hubby breakfast and packed his lunch, went to work, left the office at 2:30, set up my new MAC and printer, sent some paperwork to our attorney, got an oil change, got a car wash, went to Babies R Us and finished my registry, went to Target and finished that registry, went shopping for cute dresses and summer vacation clothes (no luck), bought the twins their summer wardrobe, and picked up a new laptop bag!

Now my belly is cramping and my sciatica is killing me! :'( I freakin forgot I'm six months pregnant and can't be on my feet all damn day. I got the nastiest toe cramp in the middle of my Target trip and nearly collapse cried at the register!! X(

My hubby is working a movie detail tonight and I'm exhausted, lonely, and overwhelmed!

This isn't normal!!!! I don't like it!


  • I feel you! I was just going back to school after deciding to go to med school. I found out I'm having twins and had to put everything on hold. I just can't handle as much as I used to.:/
  • edited May 2011
    @gemini_babies exactly! Now I'm scared. I'm planning on taking some time off when the baby is born but the plan was to finish my MBA and possibly go to law school. Now I'm wondering how much I'm really going to be able to handle :'(
  • I know it seems impossible at times. I went to a medical school conference last October. It was aw inspiring to learn of mothers in our situations who made it through. It did take them longer and required lots of help with the kids. But they reached their dreams. It's up to our own determination. I'm just going to take it at my own pace and not give up so easily. One of the doctors I used to work with didn't get her M.D. til she was 50 yrs. old. Lol I'm not saying it will take that long. But anything can happen! Good luck!
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