my hubby really hurt my feelings :(

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Ok so this is a bit of a rant maybe I am overly sensitive but I am a pregnant female and its my god given right. So... right now I am the only one in the house working. I am 6months preggo and work 6 days a week! Sometimes I just get so sleepy! I slept in today til 1 which I know I shouldn't do because then when I do get up I am so weak from not eating. Anyways here is where the hurt feelings come in he posted on his damn fb "wish I could sleep in past noon must be nice" iand he is just been so mean to me today I am crying right now thinking about it. Like excuse me but last I checked it bashing your pregnant wife on fb is not cool. So I just commented a :( and he said something about wah wah I will shit up now. So we have pretty much ignored each other all day he swears its sooo hard being stuck at home all day well shit bitchj I will trade you places in a second I would love to be a sahm but I also want to pay rent and eatt so that's not gonna happen. I am sorry for ranting I can't talk to him about this shit he has the communication skills of a rock. I just hate that I never get to play pregnancy card all day I am tip toeing around him oh hunny sorry your neck hurts oh you locked me at 9 went to bed and our kid is still up in his room oh well you rest hunny. Its not like I just worked 7 hours on my feett oh wait it is. I am crazy I feel like a mess does this even make sense god he is such a jerk I love him though. How do I make him treat me half as nice as I treat him its just not fair :/


  • Ugh... I'm sorry Hon. Guys can be such jerks sometimes! My hubby has a lot of health problems so I feel like I can't complain about how rough this pregnancy has been. Its so frustrating. Hang in there... when are you due? I'm due July 31st.
  • That makes me feel better don't you ever just wanna be like excuse I am making a person here therefore whatever I say is right and I should be waited on hand and foot. What kind of health problems does your hubby have? I am due sept 6 so over halfway done now.
  • Oh I forgot @vette_devil thank you for your response btw I really appericate it. I am such a not hot mess right now I hate being angry like this. And I am not usually one to complain especially about my man because nobody likes a debbie downer who bad mouths her man lol
  • He has Celiac disease & Chrons disease & a lot of chronic pain between both of those & countless football injuries. I get frustrated because most days I would kill for a back rub, but I don't even want to ask when he's in just as much pain as I am... but it still doesn't feel fair! :-(
  • Lol... no worries! I can't get comfortable enough to sleep & my hubby's snoring 12" away ... grrrr!
  • @vette_devil I am sorry to hear about his pain :( I can kinda relate my man has really bad knees so I feel like any pain I have doesn't even compare. Doenst sound fair at all, the rest of our lifes and even through most of our pregnancy we cater to them. It should go both ways! You guys could rub each others feet or something?
  • @vette_devil snoring now that is a whole different rant! Why not comfortable? You need to get my pillow then. The leacho total body pillow is like humping a cloud .
  • what are you guys gonna do about food and bills when you have to stop working! you have to set him straight because then when you have to stop working-he may bad mouth you and you may end up back at work before fully healed because he's pressuring you to go back. he's a butt hole! I would commented and said I wish my husband would get his ass up and get a job!
  • Bahahahaha! Humping a cloud?!?! Wow!- I DO need one of those! I have 2 regular pillows & a body pillow & a Tempurpedic bed & still no luck! It's my hips, pelvic bones & this frigging awful heartburn!
  • @mommie_mcatee I know I am so dumb I need to make him work. He had a job but work slowed down to nothing so now 3 mont I hs no work for him. He talked to his boss and things should pick up soon but I wish he would just look for something else. I can't afford to stop working til sept (hope baby doesn't come early) I am trying to save enough to take at least 6 weeks off. I will also get fmla leave which will help with food as long as I saved rent. I really wanted to comment must be nice to have days off and not be 6 months preggo working 6 days a week ;p I need to kick his ass more about it but after 4 years of marriage I kinda just figure I am the bread winner better to not fight about it all the time.
    @vette_devil eh heartburn is it the kind that makes you throw up too? And yea pillow is awesome see my post awhile back my pillow is ruining my sex life
  • Hahaha... I will search for it! Until then, good night for now! :)
  • @vette_devil nitey nite crap that means I have to get off couch and into bed
  • Sorry! I couldn't keep my dang eyes open any more! Thought I was gonna pass out with my phone on my face, hahaha... I feel like crap today, though! Ugh...
  • Men can be jerks
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  • @vette_devil your pregnant you need sleep its cool. I have totally passed out with my smart phone stuck to my face damn baby registry, preggly and my games hehe
    @preggointx I know right? I was telling my man he was a jerk the other day and without missing a beat he was like so are you.
    @lmelanson men think women should just be good at being pregnant cause we're women. Its annoying I cant bitch to man but I can get on pregly and vent and my ladies get me ;)
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