my hubby really hurt my feelings :(
Ok so this is a bit of a rant maybe I am overly sensitive but I am a pregnant female and its my god given right. So... right now I am the only one in the house working. I am 6months preggo and work 6 days a week! Sometimes I just get so sleepy! I slept in today til 1 which I know I shouldn't do because then when I do get up I am so weak from not eating. Anyways here is where the hurt feelings come in he posted on his damn fb "wish I could sleep in past noon must be nice" iand he is just been so mean to me today I am crying right now thinking about it. Like excuse me but last I checked it bashing your pregnant wife on fb is not cool. So I just commented a and he said something about wah wah I will shit up now. So we have pretty much ignored each other all day he swears its sooo hard being stuck at home all day well shit bitchj I will trade you places in a second I would love to be a sahm but I also want to pay rent and eatt so that's not gonna happen. I am sorry for ranting I can't talk to him about this shit he has the communication skills of a rock. I just hate that I never get to play pregnancy card all day I am tip toeing around him oh hunny sorry your neck hurts oh you locked me at 9 went to bed and our kid is still up in his room oh well you rest hunny. Its not like I just worked 7 hours on my feett oh wait it is. I am crazy I feel like a mess does this even make sense god he is such a jerk I love him though. How do I make him treat me half as nice as I treat him its just not fair
@vette_devil eh heartburn is it the kind that makes you throw up too? And yea pillow is awesome see my post awhile back my pillow is ruining my sex life
@preggointx I know right? I was telling my man he was a jerk the other day and without missing a beat he was like so are you.
@lmelanson men think women should just be good at being pregnant cause we're women. Its annoying I cant bitch to man but I can get on pregly and vent and my ladies get me