anyone pregnant after mirena?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Just curious. I had mirena in 4 a yr. Just had it removed jan 9th. Praying for another baby soon.


  • I got pregnant 2 months after :)
    Good luck
  • I got pregnant immediately after it was removed... like didn't even take a month
  • I tried the month after I had it taken out and we tried for 14 months before I got pregnant. I was very worried but was told its common for it to take that long. So don't get discouraged if it takes longer than you want.
  • It took me 2 1/2year for me
  • it took us 8 months to get pregnant after taking it out...
  • had it in for 3 years, got preggo like 6 months after. wasnt trying though
  • I had the mirena for 4 years. It was removed May 2010 and I got pregnant in August. Had a miscarriage in October and now TTC again!!:-)
  • I wish i would have known more about mirena b4 i ever got it.
  • @mommyof3girls I know exactly what you mean I just thought once you were off it you can try whenever you feel but It's not always like that. After this one I'm going to research more.
  • It was removed last year and I'm pregnant now. Due in September, but we were not trying till about a month ago. I've heard people get pregnant right after it gets taken out:)
  • It took me 3 months after the removal. I'm 16 weeks now :)
  • I had mine removed in july and was prego by october...
  • Took us almost exactly a year to conceive after Mirena removal. Good Luck!
  • I got mine taken out last June and we just found out that I was pregnant!!
  • Mine came out on its on and we didn't use any other birthcontrol and it took 3 yrs! Good luck, everyones body is different!
  • I had my iud removed in october and we just found out we are pregnant! So it only took 3 er odd months. Good Luck!!
  • I had mine removed nov 9th and was preg by the 25th despite the fact I started my birth control b4 I even left the doctors office. I never even had a period or bled at all!! Crazy!! I was surprised but am very excited!! Good luck :)
  • Forgot to tell ya....i had mine in for 4 yrs as well and never had a period while it was in.
  • I had the mirena for 2 1/2 years I had lots problems with it and finally had 2 have it removed 3mnths later me and my husband decided we wanted 2 start trying for our 2nd child.. first time we tried sure enough I was pregnant.. I'm now 14 wks! Good luck!
  • I got pregnant two months after having mine removal and it also depends on often you have sex to
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