husband is deploying today :"(

edited May 2011 in Military moms
Today my husband is going on his first deployment. My wonderful Pregly military mommies I am gonna need all the support I can get because I feel at any given moment I could fall to pieces. I too am also active duty but we are stationed in 2 different places. I am 25 wks pregnant with our first and we are not 100% sure if he will make it to the birth of our son Cameron. I would really like some friends from others who have been through deployments and advice on how I can stay strong. Thank you mommies.


  • Good luck dear!!!!!! I'm always here if you need to vent.
  • Thank you....just waiting by the phone for his last phone call before he boards the plane.
  • Just stay strong it will be husband deployed when I was ten weeks came home on mid tour leave when I was 37 weeks and missed the brith of our son by 6 was hard at times but we just stayed strong and hopefully my husband don't deploy with this one ....good luck and ill be here if u need me
  • Im sorry hun that has always been my biggest fear so far I have only been through one deployment although I wasn't pregnant and didn't have that fear so I can only imagine how ahrd it is for you my advie is to try and stay busy also try to surround yourself with loved ones I know that's hard when your military and fam isn't close but maybe some freinds or family could make aa trip to visit you also think positive but prepare for the worst just keep thinking hell be able to be there but look into ways he can be a part of your delivery from a distance such as web cams. I hope this kinda helps just know you have support here and good luck
  • Best advice I can give for the stress part is dont watch the news, dont listen to the rumors or the "I heards" try not to have any idea plan set in stone because its all subject to last minute change and its much easier if you go with the flow. Try not to look at the deployment as how much longer he'll be gone, look at it as how far yall have been. Also google something along the lines of blankets for deployed daddies. Theyll send u a free baby blanket for.ur husband to sleep w to get his scent on it and a baggie to bag it up to keep the smell on there. Then u can use it for baby when (he/she) arrives
  • I'm sorry lady... I'll tell you all the stuff we hear all the time but actually works: stay busy, rely on friends and other military wives, join a mommy-to-be group, go home and visit family. Write to him, make care packages, and document all that he is missing. I've been thru 2 deployments and many away training. Message me if you need to talk...
  • @everyone.....just got the last phone call....he is about get on the plane. I tried so hard to fight back my tears but I couldn't help it. Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement and advice. I know I have to be strong but right now I am so weak.
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