pee leaking

edited May 2011 in July 2011
Anyone else having small amount of pee leak out at random times during day? Happening all of a sudden, not even coughing or sneezing, just lying down or standing up. I would worry but smells like pee, I know amniotic fluid doesn't smell. And its not often, just twice in last 2 days.


  • I think thats just part of being prego.. Lol.. Make sure to do kegels! :)
  • That's been happening to me this whole time(16w today) when I told my cousin and friend they were like duh! But that never happened to me with me first two! I used to sit on the toilet for 10 minutes leaning forward(I read it helps to totally empty ypur bladder) amd 5 minutes later when I'm on the couch or something id feel drops.
  • i am, i was just sick and every time i sneezed i peed a little
  • I have a weak bladder naturally so with this little man rolling and jumping all over omg it has gotten a million times worse!!! I'm 33 weeks and have had to wear a panty liner since about 6 or 7 weeks along.. Not fun at all!!!
  • .. Yeh it happens 2 my sister too, she 25weeks n just started happening, eek ive got all that to come im only 9weeks neli :)
  • It's normal. U need to do kegels to strengthen bladder, plus they help with labor. Also after baby u won't pee urself if u retrain ur bladder n tighten muscles.
  • yes that happens to me and its very embarrassing especially when its alot and your not at home.. It happens when I laugh sneeze cough get up sit up lol sound pissy but my doctor said its normal

    I'm 19 and 33 weeks pregnant due date July 30th .. P.S ITS A GIRL
  • I blew my nose today and a little leaked out. I was like really?!? Lol
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