Bleeding without contractions ??

So im bleeding a little and I know that youre supposed to go to the hospital when you bleed and have contractions. Ive had a few bh but nothing that feels like the real thing. But its also too much blood to just call it spotting. Yet again my dr wont answer his emergency line !! Should I go in ??


  • Btw im 38 weeks and 3 days.. I hope that baby is coming !!
  • I would go in
  • Go in. Worst they'll do is send you home. Best of luck for you.
  • i think u should go in
    have u had sex lately? TMI, we had sex and afterwards we realized we both had blood all on us so we went cause i freaked out and everything was fine but the dr said if its more then just spotting to always come in.
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