When do u feel movement?

Im almost 15 weeks pregnant.. When can I start feelin movement in my tummy?


  • Everyone's different normally between 17-22 weeks but it depends on how big you are prior to pregnancy, were baby is lying and were placenta is x
  • Def Depends. I felt fluttering at about 14wks if not just a bit earlier. Felt Light kicks at about 17wks and now I'm 24wks and I'm pretty sure she is trying to push her way out via my tummy.
  • im 27 weeks with my first ive felt her for a while. but now i can feel every move she makes.
  • I've felt flutters from about 13 and half weeks. I now feel the baby moving around, I'm 18 weeks tomorrow, and have for a couple of weeks. Won't be long hun!
  • I felt flutters at 14 weeks, 19 weeks was when I really started to feel him kicking.
  • About 15 weeks i felt a few things, very irregular so not expecting daily moves til like week 18. Its my first and i guess i am a bigger girl too! My friend didn't feel hers til 22 weeks so we are all v different! Just say attention to every little feeling x x
  • 17 weeks and 4 days is when I felt my wittle Guy swimming around :) & then at 18 weeks and 2 days I seen him kicking my stomach and then on I can feel his outside kicks = )
  • I have had random flutters since 17 weeks. They're becoming noticeable nudges now im almost 20 weeks. But still inconsistent
  • edited May 2011
    I started feeling flutters @ 16w and ive been feeling crazy movement and can feel it from the outside since 20w.....
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  • I'm 18 wks tomorrow an this is my 3rd an I'm still waiting!:(
  • Everyone"s different but i think the average is 16-21 wks. I started feelin flutters @ 17 wks and when I was 18 wks I started feelin kicks. I'm 21 wks now & my babygirl is super active. So ur 15 wks, u'll start feelin somethin soon! :-)
  • I felt my baby move when i was 19 wks 4 days..now in 36wks+2days
  • 13 weeks I felt flutters, kinda felt like a little fish swimmin around in there, but around 19 weeks is when he actually started KICKING, felt like little taps or muscle spazms. now at 21 weeks can see him dancing around in there
  • I'm 16 weeks now :) I'm not really showing but when I lay on my side I can feel it kick stretch and move around :) I first felt it at 13w but only if I put my hand on it and if I was laying down :)
  • I'm 18 wks 4 days and keep feeling pokes I'm guessing that's the baby kicking I kept waiting for the butterflies everyone talks about guess I missed that bit
  • I started feeling at 17 weeks...its my first..
  • Ive felt the butterflies.. I just want to feel kicks!
  • 14ish weeks I couldn't tell if it was gas or baby. Turned out to be baby. 17 weeks felt tapping, 20 weeks felt a kick, 22 weeks saw movement on the outside. 24-25 weeks now (2 due dates) and its daily movement :)
  • Im 15 weeks and I still really don't fell much besides ligament pain almost every day... this is my second too and im pretty big already.. maybe that's why I can't feel?? To much room still I guess..
  • Im pretty sure though that this baby likes to either kick or sit on my bladder cuz I feel that sensation of weight there lol and so that's my guess..
  • I started feeling little tiny flutters at about 15 weeks; it almost felt like popcorn popping in my stomach. At first, I blew it off as gas...funny, I know. At 20 weeks, I started feeling more defined jabs, here and there. I'd feel it more, at night, when I'd lay really still on my back. I am now 27 weeks and feel him kicking, stretching and rolling, all day long. My best friend is 30 weeks and still doesn't feel a ton of movement, because of the placement of the placenta. If you're concerned about not feeling movement, or want to know more when YOU should start watching for it, ask your doctor---they get questions like that, all the time, and I'm sure that he/she would be more than willing to try to help ease your mind!
    Good luck!
  • I felt proper kicking at around 17weeks, everyone is different though. X
  • everyone is different. and sometimes your size can matter as well (the larger you are you might feel baby later than others might). my first i was around 16 wks. second was about 13 wks. and this one was about 11-12 wks.
  • I'm 19 weeks 5 days and I just started feeling him a few days ago, and only when I'm laying on my back.
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