Girl stay strong! You should be so proud of yourself pregnant or not every woman deserves to be treated like a princess, hell you should be treated that way especially when you're pregnant. If he wasn't doing that he wasn't worth your tears!
Then you probably made the right choice. I was a single mother with my first two babies. I didn't completely leave their dad until my youngest was 5 months old. That baby was a very difficult baby and the day his dad moved out he was a totally different baby which confirmed I made the right choice. I'll be honest it wasn't always easy but I wouldn't change anything other than maybe have done it sooner.
Most people would have stayed with their man just cuz they are so close to delivery! You have shown amazing strength to say enough is enough and you can do this on your own! Good luck hun, take care, you should be relaxing so close to delivery! X
Good for you. Just be careful of getting upset, it can lead to early labor. My bf n I got n a fight n I started having contractions at 32 wks. Im ok now but I didn't think I was ever going to b happy again. It just takes time, besides all ur time will be taken by the baby soon.
Thank u all for ur encouragment, im trying not to stress im so sad but its whats best for me...i tried to wait around to c if he wuld change once the baby get here but I cnt, I was so stressed and cryin everyday with him that was so bad for me n the baby, now I can breathe @bartendingmommy@littlenat86@Jess510@brittbabiie@salsabia@shae@octobermomma
@adriansmommy we r n the same boat I'm so done wit my bd I'm 20wks n we already have a 3yr n him dnt c eye to eye all we do is fuss m fight I'm so over all this it's not worth it at all I told him he can keep doin him I'm gone
Good luck. You can do it
I'm so done wit my bd I'm 20wks n we already have a 3yr n him dnt c eye to eye all we do is fuss m fight
I'm so over all this it's not worth it at all I told him he can keep doin him I'm gone