What is your baby girls name? When r u due?



  • August 25, Malia Riley Padilla
  • Oct 7
    Skyla - Mae
  • @rckprincess2: Thank you so much!! There's a story behind that name, too. I was told from 14 years of age, suffering from numerous genetic & reproductive disorders, that I would most likely never be a mother. I got pregnant to my ex twice, when I was 28 going on 29, & lost both pregnancies to miscarriage. In fact, he cheated on me & left me because he felt I couldn't give him a child.

    Since I was 16, I began dreaming of the same blonde haired, blue-eyed girl. I would see her as a newborn in one dream, a 6 month old, toddler, & as old as 5. Her name in these dreams I've been having for 15 years now was Camilla Autumn. So when I learned I was having a girl, the choice for what to name her had already been made.

    I'm 35 weeks today, pregnant to a wonderful man who really loves me. I can't wait to see if she looks like my Camilla - the daughter from my dreams. :)
  • Due 10-11 Mikaela Brianne
  • Due June 11th kaydence rose
  • July 11 Adelynn Kay
  • Due in 4 days i still have no names
  • Due in 17 days & her name will be
    Natalie Jane!
  • @praying4our3rd im so lost with names i do like layla grace though
  • edited May 2011
    Due: June 1 "4 days" :)
    Name: Kaidyn Nicole
  • due in 12 weeks
    Elianna :)
  • July 11
    Rhemedy faith
  • Due June 9th (12 days!)
    And the name is either going to be Mckinley Rose or Monroe Riley.
  • edited May 2011
    Oops...im having a boy!!!!!! But his name will be cain joseph! Due aug 10
  • Oct 6.. her name is paisley makenna
  • Due September 30th....with Aniyah Maychelle
  • edited May 2011
    October 14: Alyia Paisley
    @new_momma I have always wanted to name my baby girl Paisley but my bf isnt super fond of it. :/ so we settled for the middle name...but now I'm not sure if it flows very well with Alyia.
  • How do u pronounce the first name? ?
  • June 10th and her name is alinna Jaycee Maelynn. Nickname is a.j. or Ali
  • edited May 2011
    @new_momma A-lee-a, we want to call her Aly for short.
  • Due october 20 with my Novalee Jessica
  • @keelz Wow. I thought I had pressure! I'm due the end of July and still no baby girl names :( I have read tons of books and blogs... nada hits me.
  • Due Sept 1st with Abigail "No middle name yet" Garcia :-P
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • @booface you should give her the middle name Boo. lolz i think its cute... abigail boo garcia
  • @jalem LOL! I know right?! Someone has to carry on the legacy! :-))
  • @booface yeah just imagine when she asks "mom why is my middle name boo??" youll be like well i didnt have a middle name for you and my screen name on this pregnancy website was booface so i decided boo would be your name.. lmfao
  • @sara102011 I love novalee. Have you ever seen where the heart is?

    Due june 23rd- Emmersyn Marlene
  • Due August 22nd- Aubrie-Shay :)
  • Due July 24th - lilah sophia
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