no movement & cramping help!!!

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
So I'm 29 weeks pregnant today I haven't felt the baby move and for the last couple of days I've been having cramps I mean they come and go ill get one and then 15 20 min later ill get another or sometimes I would get 2 out of a day is this something I should be concerned about it is it normal ??


  • if you havent felt the baby move in a few days you should probably be checked by the doctor
  • Call your dr if you haven't already.
  • I would contact your doctor or labor and delivery right away hun. By now you should be feeling regular movement, at least 10 times in 2 hours. They will probably tell you to eat and drink a couple glasses of ice cold water, lay down and count movement. If you don't feel baby 10 times in 2 hours you go in immediately. As for the cramping, I wouldn't say its normal, kind of sounds like contractions to me, so best bet is calling your doctor or labor and delivery and get checked out.
  • Definitely get checked; you're supposed to count at least 10 movements per day after 28 weeks...
    In the meantime, drink a glass of ice water & lay down for 1/2 an hour. If you don't feel any movement, go to the ER asap. Good luck, hun.
  • *the movements should be within a 2 hour period* like @MommyOfTwoPrincesses say's...
  • @BlessedMommy: I went into L&D to get checked after not feeling my baby move for just 13 hours. I was around 28 weeks at that time. I tried everything - kick count, warm bath, ate a light meal...nothing got her moving. She started moving not long after they began the non-stress test, and everything was fine. But, honey, that was only 13 hours without movement & you're talking about a full day or two. If you haven't already, go get checked out immediately! Early help could save your baby's life if something is wrong. Please keep us updated...I'll be worried about you!
  • To everyone that commented thank you I've been up all day so maybe Oct just been moving that's why I haven't felt anything ...but I'm going to do what you ladies suggested & see if that works if not labor and delivery I go .....@artistmama thank you what was the stress test? I felt the baby move yesterday just not today I will defently keep you updated
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