tooo early?

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
So il be 16 weeks next week, and im due november 17, is it too early to find out gender? Oh & ive been havinq really bad leg pain. My right leg starts hurtinq really bad to the point were it hurts to put any weight on it, and it makes my lower back hurt;/


  • Usually at 16 weeks they can, but most doctors make u wait til ur 20 weeks
  • Yeauh my dr said at 20 weeks il know;/
  • Go buy u a intellagender test at walgreens or cvs there 30 bucks with tax it will tell u the gender if u do it rite
  • I had a 3d u/s at 17weeks to tell the gender.
  • I'm due 11/17 also and my Dr. scheduled my gender u/s for 20 wks. I have been having a lot of aches and pains too. Last night I could'nt sleep because of lower back pains :-(
  • I've heard the OTC genter tests don't work
  • I found out at 14w
  • Yeauh i had a 3d ultrasound when i was 14 weeks, its a test for the first trimester to see if the baby has down syndrome. My nurse said she didnt see any boy parts so i think its a girl.
  • It depends. Some drs. would rather err toward 20 wks. im due nov 20, and have to wait till july. And the leg pains, I have them all the time. im tiny, and I feel everything my lil teacake does.
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