How much is too much?

edited May 2011 in Health
How much swelling is too much? My ankles grow 4 inches thought each day by the time I go to sleep and my calves grow about 5. I have been tested for preeclampsia which was negative. I was just wondering if I should call my doc or just wait until I see her on tuesday morning


  • That sounds like to much to me. If u just started swelling that much resently and ur dr doesn't know about it definitely call and let them know! In the mean time try to keep ur feet up as much as possible.
  • Preeclampsia can happen at anytime...just cause you test negative at one point does not mean it won't occur later. I would call your doctor, worst case scenario you will have to go to l&d and test your urine, an measure your bd. Better safe than sorry.
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