pregnancy after c-section

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
just wondering how soon anyone has gotten pregnant after having a c-section,and what is the recommended waitin time to get preg again after c-section?


  • I got pregnant when my son was nine months old..i would definatly wait a bit because I went threw a lot of pain and discomfort and my doctor said it was because my body didn't have enough time to heal fully..
  • I was told by my OB there should be 18 months between deliveries. She said that gives adequate time for the uterus to heal. Mine will be 20.5 months apart.
  • No doc ever gave me a recommended time frame. My daughter was 18mo when I got pregnant with her brother. Recovery wasn't so bad. Their two yrs apart. And now 5yrs after my son I'm prego again. I was talking to my doc about trying vaginal and she doesn't recommend it, but if I really want she will let me of course. She said uterine rupture can lead to death for me and baby, and that 2 or 5yrs doesn't matter the risk wil always be there since Ive had a c-section. I really wanted to try vaginal but don't know if I wana risk it.
  • thanks. thats what i was wondering ,if it made any difference to wait longer before having another or if the same risks will still be there because of previous c-sections no matter how long you wait between them.? my dr said i couldnt do vbac. i want to have one more after this one, but i dont want to put my health or my next baby in danger. my husband wants to have another pretty soon after this one.
  • I got pregnant when my son was 3 months old but I had a miscarriage. He is now 2yrs old and I have my baby in 3 days.
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