im gonna punch my lil brother in his face vent lol

edited May 2011 in Just for Fun
He is the grossest and loudest eater I swear. It's so annoying he is on the other side of the room and I can hear him chomping on his food. He chews ice cream wtf? So annoying. And not to mention my mom went and bought me a huge jar of pickles and he comes in here with a bowl full of pickles like at least 10 of them. He's lucky I didn't break his hands! Lol lil vent!!


  • Lol this is y I moved out when I was 16. I couldn't handle my brother anymore. I ended up getting battery charges cuz of him when I was 15. Grr
  • lol!! sorry but this cracked me up,especially the chewing ice cream part. i am the same way with loud eaters,i cant stand it. i cant even eat in the same room as someone who does it. :)
  • Id like to tell you little brothers change but...after all we know most men never grow up lol my little brother still farts in our faces...hes 30 lol
  • Lol it was a funny / annoying vent! @jazzi89 yea I can't move out on mu own right now and I like living at home most of the time, my lil bro is only 13 so he is def not mature yet if ever lol @ snowflake yep it made me laugh to after a lil but at the time it was sooooo annoying! @Mrs_shu omgsh is really punch him in the face if he farted on me lmao
  • Ya my little bro just turned 16 but when I moved out he was 10 and I couldn't stand him lol. He's a little better but not much
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