crossed legs?

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Hi I was told that if you cross your legs while pregnant it can wrap the cord around the babies neck. Is this true?


  • Wow I've never heard that one. I honestly don't doesn't really seem logical though. How would ur own legs make the cord wrap around the babies neck...I sit cross legged a lot...kinda worried now if its true or not.
  • My research, doctors, midwives have all said that is so untrue! There really isn't anything you can do or avoid doing to prevent that, sometimes those things just happen. Also, don't worry about lifting your arms above your head, another old wives tale that supposedly means the same thing. All poppycock!
  • my friend told me this about her boys she wasnt cross legged with one n she was with the other n he came out with cord round neck. She is only 19 tho so maybe I should take what she says with a pinch of salt. lol x
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  • Thanks girls. Its more comfy for me to sit like that too. : )
  • I do that a lot.but cord hasn't been wrapped
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