Shortness of breath

edited May 2011 in Second Trimester
So last night it was REALLY hot here in Ohio, like 90 degrees. Well anyway I started noticing that after dinner I was having trouble catching my breath. I went to bed had like 3 fans blowing on me and even got up and took a cold shower, after which I was finally able to get to sleep. Now I wake up today and I was feeling ok, until I got to work. Now I can not seem to catch my breath. I work at a hospital so I checked my oxygen level and it is 98%, which is normal, but I feel like I can take a deep breath. I can not tell where the baby is sitting, so I am not sure if he is just up higher then usual or what. Have any of you experienced this?


  • I have in both of my pregnancies , I think u get it once the baby starts to get big , I normally just take a cold shower that works ,don't think about it cause in reality ur breathing is fine , I promise u once u push the baby out ur gonna feel like u can breath normal again , I don't know why that is but , it is
  • I haven't felt it to that degree, but I was like that yesterday. I was completely exhausted and I didn't really do too much all day. Just hung around outside in the heat (90 degrees out here in Pittsburgh too!).. I felt completely out of breath going up/down stairs, which is somewhat normal, but not usually that bad. then I got home and just couldn't sleep because i was so hot. I finally napped a bit but woke up sweating.. Went to the bedroom, fell asleep and woke up sweating again. 2 fans and no more PJ pants later, I was OK...
  • It is better today. I still feel like I can't take a deep breath, but it is better. I think it is a combo of eating too much, being hot and this baby boy being giant! lol
  • I seem to lose my breath during a braxton hicks contraction.
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