have a horrible sunburn...any at home remedies?

Took the kids to our neighborhood pool yesterday and thought I would get a little sun. We go floating in a couple of weeks and wanted to make sure I wouldn't burn horribly at the river. Well...I am so sunburned I want to scream. Aloe isn't really helping. Any suggestions?


  • Take a luke warm bath with a lot baking soda in it. Sounds crazy but really works. As long as the sunbrun is giving off heat you are still burning. So taking a cool bath of shower helps. I am a redhead I get burned on a clody day if I forget my sun screen
  • Agreed; a lukewarm bath with baking soda really helps! You can also try taking a couple Tylenol. Good luck! =)
  • I was in your same boat last weekend! After you bathe in baking soda and want some more relief make a mixture in a bowl of baking soda and water. Make it thick and pasty, than plaster it on your body! As it dries it scks any more heat out. Warning you though that it makes a huge mess so i do it standing in the tub or atleast stay in the bathroom so when ut dries and cracks and starts ti fall off, makes for an easy clean up!
    Try using just a normal non sent lotion. Vaseline lotion is great. Aloe is great AFTER the heat is gone. It may feel good but its really just hiding the pain, it wears off and your back at square one!
    Al the best! Dnt forget your sunblock next time :-)
  • Sounds NUTS but my gramma told me vinigar, I called her crazy for the longest time but IT WORKS! That and aloe.
  • A vinager bath or try putting mustard on your burn
  • My mom used to give us cool wash clothes soaked in vinegar. Its stinky, but it helps soo soo much. And make sure you keep your skin moisturized, so you don't peel. Baby oil helps alot if you put it on before you dry off after a shower.
  • Neosporin w pain relief, knocks it out and heals, only thing I use and I'm redheaded w pale skin!
  • Thanks everyone...I'm going to try all of these. I always burn even with sunscreen...but it has never hurt this bad. Someone said it may be because I'm preggo. Blah...it sucks!
  • we use vinegar too. but do it right after you get out of the shower. If you put it on top of anything else, (aloe, lotion, etc...) it will make the burn worse. And also honey. they say its supposed to keep you from peeling :)
  • Dermoplast....the stuff you spray on your lady parts after birth....it feels amazing on burns!! I had the worst one last summer to where my shoulders looked like applesauce from all the blisters! It helped and took the pain away!
  • I lather in Aloe Vera and sit in front of a fan
  • Aloe with lidocaine (lidocaine is a topical anesthetic) and I put it in the fridge!! So nice and cold going on....it works on 1st and 2nd degree burns too
  • Black tea is supposed to draw out heat and sooth the burn real well. My friend used it on her kids who were badly sun burned and she said it made a whirl if difference by the next day.
  • I am in the same boat!! Since saturday! I did the whole vinegar thing and didn't help! So I got some aloe gel with lidocaine from Walmart (equate brand) and put it in the fridge! Ahh it works awesomely!! Ohh and wet a wash cloth and stick it in the fridge for like 3 minutes then lay it wherever your burnt and it feels sooo good! :)

  • Not the fridge! I meant freezer lol
  • Vinager my grandma use to put it all over me it i ever got burnt it works it takes the sting and heat out i
  • Ive always used white vinigar put it on a paper towell an wipe over burn. It takes away the heat but it is rather stinky.
  • We used vinegar yesterday...took a nap and I woke up craving salt and vinegar chips. LOL;-)
    We used to have the aloe w lidocaine(sp) but last year my son, daughter, and I all burned so bad and blistered(w sunscreen) and we were told not to use it. Maybe that was because of the blisters/broken skin. We are so light skinned its ridiculous...I hate sunburns. This one was my fault tho...thought if I could just get it over with I would be good for the rest of summer;-)
  • @mommyforever. Sex? LOL...I told my hubby and he said we should definitely try it;-) He's pretty sure its the cure all for everything!
  • Lol yeah @mommyo3soon2b4 I have a sun burn right now and that's the only thing that takes my mind off it ;P
  • girl dont you know us pregos get burned easy.. you have to wear sunscreen no matter what.. you will still get a tan.. if you tan.. lol.. some dont i know.. im sorry.. i hate sunburn.. but i started wearing sunscreen no matter what now.. and i dont burn easy.. im tan.. but ive had sunburn enough to know that i dont want it ever again.. lol..
  • The bath of baking soda then after heat is gone, spray aloe the mist spray that way u can continue to spray all over and don't need someone to rub
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